Doporučujeme české výrobce nanovlákenných ochranných pomůcek

Recommended: Czech Producers of Nanofiber Protective Equipment

We present to you our list of producers and suppliers of nanofiber filtration membrane products protecting the respiratory system. All of them are members of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association. The list includes producers and suppliers of nano face masks, nano respirators, nano filters for textile masks featuring a pocket, as well as antivirus scarfs and neck gaiters with a nanofiber filter.
Firma Nanomedical získala mezinárodní cenu inovací

Nano Medical Has Received an International Innovation Award

The Czech Society for Quality awarded Nano Medical s.r.o. (runner up) for the innovative product Nanofiber Wound Dressings in the category of Small and Medium Enterprises. Use of nanofibers made of gelling polymers to heal wounds brings a new, higher level of wound treatment. The innovation is also expected to speed up the healing of wounds and to reduce the cost of the entire process.
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