Smart cities
The concept of a smart city for the future built on Czech nano products and technologies that are already commercially available to the general public.

Technologies for developing countries
Smart cities for developing countries
The project includes a proposal of Czech nanotechnologies tailored to the needs of the priority countries within the development cooperation.
The primary concern for Moldova is the quality of water.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Water and its contamination are a big problem for the country.
Access to drinking water and sanitation are the main problems.
Přehled technologií a produktů dostupný na tomto webu je zpracovaný také do formy PDF katalogu ve dvou jazycích, který nabízíme volně ke stažený. V odkazech naleznete poslední aktuální verzi z prosince 2024. Katalog pravidelně doplňujeme o nové technologie, které se na českém trhu postupně objevují.
Air purification
Air filtration is the primary prerequisite for a healthy city.
Self-cleaning paint coats
Photocatalytic paint coats purifying air and eliminating bacteria and viruses.
Air cleaners
Photocatalytic air cleaners eliminate organic impurities, including viruses and bacteria.
Window filters
Nanomembrane for windows and doors filtering viruses and bacteria from air.
HEPA filters
Nanofiber HEPA filters for higher efficiency of indoor air purification.
Water purification and filtration
Advanced, industry level water filtration.
Nanofiber membranes for industrial water filtration.
Swimming pool filters
Swimming pool filters with a nanofiber filtering cartridge.
Home water filtration device
Device for capturing microplastics and other inorganic impurities.
Energy storage and saving
Safe energy storage was a tough nut to crack until recently. And the same goes for reduction of the required quantity of light sources.
Micro- and nanostructure optics used in production of parts for light sources and sensors.
Nano accumulators
Accumulators for safe storage of large quantities of energy.
Home and office
Indoor spaces without allergens and without need for daily cleaning.
Nano bedding
Anti-dust mite bedding with a nanomembrane.
Home protective treatment
Agents protecting surfaces in your home.
Surface protection
Hydrofobní a antibakteriální ochrana povrchů.
Vehicle treatment
Přípravky pro mytí a ochranu povrchů automobilů.
Industry and waste management
Průmyslové filtry
Filters with a nanomembrane for production of oil, spirits, and drinks.
Consumption and emissions
Nano additives for liquid and solid fuels reduce consumption and emissions produced by diesel engines.
emise dieselových motorů.
Nano additives for liquid and solid fuels reduce consumption and emissions produced by diesel engines.
Safety and protection of people
Nanofiber face masks and respirators are highly effective in capturing viruses and bacteria of 80 to 200 nm in size. velmi účinné při záchytu virů a bakterií o velikosti 80 až 200 nm.
Protective face masks with nano filters.
Protective respirators with nano filters.
Nano filters
Nano filters for face masks specifically developed against coronaviruses.
Nano respirators
Protective respirators with nano filters.
Nano masks
Protective half masks with nano filters.
Tato webová prezentace chytrých měst vznikla v rámci projektu Nanotechnologie pro chytrá města jako nástroj udržitelného rozvoje podpořeného z prostředků České rozvojové agentury v rámci zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce ČR.