Lifetech s.r.o.
Czech technological company with a global reach and top know-how in pool, drinking and wastewater treatment. The firm deals with air disinfection and deodorization and also applications of nanoparticles. It uses the photocatalysis process, ozone technology, UV, and AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process).
WATER: Medium Pressure UV Systems LIFEUVM®
Top-quality water disinfection, almost without chemicals. The systems prevent the reactivation of bacteria and at the same time remove trichloramine, which has many negative effects on the human body.
Thanks to our unique LifeAGE® technology, the lifespan of medium pressure UV lamps can reach up to 18,000 or more operating hours.
Výhody UVM jsou:
- Easy installation
- Permanent disinfection (requires reactivation of bacteria)
- Disposal of trichloramine
- Ecological method of disinfection
WATER: Low Pressure UV Systems LIFEUVL®
Reliable ecological water disinfection. Germicidal UV lamps generate UV radiation of a spectrum that effectively destroys bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Low pressure UV systems do not leave odor traces. On the other hand, they do not remove trichloramine. For this purpose, medium pressure UV systems have been developed.
AIR: UV deodorization
Production of units that disinfect the air and remove odors from wastewater treatment plants and buffer tanks with biological material. In this case, the photocatalysis process in the presence of UV radiation is used.
AIR: LifeOX-AIR® ozone generators
Perfect complex disinfection of small and large spaces and areas. Oxygen (O2) is converted into ozone (O3) in the intake air by a generator.
Ozone by its action:
- Removes odor
- Decomposes unwanted chemicals
- Eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, pathogens, and allergens
- Exlongs the shelf life of fruits and vegetables
The use of individual types of LifeOX-AIR® ozone generators is completely safe and 100% environmentally friendly.
WATER: Ozone treatment
Ozone is one of the strongest oxidizing agents and is used to treat drinking and wastewater. In addition, ozone is one of the most advanced ways to treat pool water. The main advantage of ozone is that harmful substances, microorganisms, odors, or paint are removed by oxidation, without the formation of by-products.
Advantages of ozone water treatment:
- Removal of iron and manganese from water (softening of water, reduction of its consumption)
- Inactivation of microorganisms (e.g. algae)
- Water disinfection
- Restriction of the formation of haloform precursors
WATER: AOP LifeOX® device
Proven the best way to treat water, using its own state-of-the-art technology, using AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) methods. The combination of ozone and UV radiation significantly increases the oxidation potential and thus gets the water disinfection process itself to the absolute top.
Advantages of using AOP:
- Best available water treatment technology
- Highest oxidation performance of all technologies
- Compact size
- Easy to install
Telefon: +420 602 413 980, +420 702 131 740
Košinova 19, 612 00 Brno
Články o Lifetech s.r.o.
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