Invitation to Nano Day Plzeň
Are you interested in nanotechnology? Come to the Nano Day in Plzeň!
We will show you a revolutionary use of nanofibers of hyaluronic acid in a cosmetic face pack. The owner of the patent for the technology and the only company in the world to have mastered it is Contipro – a Czech nanotechnology business. Nanofibers can provide the skin with a lot more anti-ageing substances than common products. In addition to that, they are a lot safer as they do not contain any preservatives, stabilisers, colouring agents, or perfumes. You can try the nanofiber face pack free of charge and we will also offer a number of tests measuring several parameters of human skin in just a few minutes.
Předvedeme vám módní oblečení z nanotextilu i funkční prádlo s nanočásticemi stříbra, seznámíte se s využitím nanovláken v respirátotech, filtrech na víno i vodu, okenních síťkách i v protiroztočových lůžkovinách pro alergiky. Budete si moci prohlédnou revoluční 3D baterii, zjistíte jak fungují samočisticí a ochranné nanonátěry, prohlédnete si novinky funkčního oblečení nanosilver and antibakteriálních pletenin, shlédnete zátěžové testy nanokravaty, vysvětlíme Vám princip superkluzkých a supertvrdých nanopovrchů, seznámíme vás s výhodami nanoptiky i s použitím nanomembrán pro filtraci vody.
You can discuss different nano topics with nanotechnology experts of Advamat, Contipro, HE3DA, IQ Structures, Jimiplet, Lada Vyvialova Creative Platform, Nafigate Corporation, nanoSPACE, NanoTrade, Nano4People, Pardam.
The RICE research centre of Plzeň is one of the partners of the event and they will be happy to show you the results and projects of nanotechnology research in Plzeň.
You can also meet the young authors of the textbook Guide to the World of Nanoparticles for secondary schools.
Kdy: Sobota 24. listopadu 2018
Kde: Konferenční sál Techmania Science Center
Admission to the Nano Day is free of charge, other sections of Techmania as per the standard pricelist.
10,00 Zahájení a úvodní prezentace
Úvodní slovo a představení nanotechnologických novinek v roce 2018 / Jiří Kůs, předseda Asociace nanotechnologického průmyslu ČR/
Presentation of nanotechnology products, talk show with nanotechnology experts on how nanotechnologies work
17.00 End
The event is held under the auspices of the President of the Pilsen Region; Mayor of the City of Pilsen; Technology Agency of the Czech Republic; Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.
Official partners: MONETA Money Bank; Techmania Science Center; Czechinvest agency; and Research and Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering (RICE).
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