BIGGEST nano-air purifier for EUROPE is building by the companies Linde Gas ČR and Nano4people

Author: ANP ČR


When Pavel Stančík, Head of Service and Installation at Linde Gas CZ, won the “Innovation” category in the Linde RME Awards international competition back in 2018, he suspected that he had started a major breakthrough in the environmental approach and perception of corporate responsibility for environmental protection, which Linde Gas newly set to the world.

With its visionary approach, Linde Gas ČR has set a completely new direction and standard for the world, representing the path of responsible behavior of companies towards environment and planet.

At the Linde RME Awards competition, all jurors and evaluators of the competition were attracted by the nanocoat application project as a possible protection of liquid containers, bringing the company possible cost savings for their subsequent maintenance, but also as a more gentle and responsible approach to environment., přinášející společnosti možnou úsporou nákladu na jejich následnou údržbu, ale také i jako šetrnější a zodpovědnější přístup k živ. prostředí.

However, applied nanocoats, thanks to their enormous effectiveness, not only keep liquid containers clean at Linde Gas company, increase the company's image, in addition save the environment and even clean the air and remove the harmful substances that we all breathe every day.

Applied nanotechnology FN NANO, was also tested, and today is the only one in the Czech Republic and Europe that was also certified by the Czech Society for Applied Photocatalysis (CSAF) for:

  • Surface self-cleaning
  • Anti-microbiotic function
  • NOx and VOC air cleaning function.

The effectiveness of the tested FN nanotechnology was certified by the Czech Society for Applied Photocatalysis ,which is the only one in Europe that has a certification program, protecting the customer and objectively evaluates the practical usability of photocatalytic products based on international ISO standards. This was technology rated as "EXCELLENT".

Together we transform VISION into REALITY….

In 2020, Linde Gas and Nano4people managed to complete the 1st major goal and by this self-cleaning nanotechnology protect liquid containers about the area 10,000 m² in the Czech Republic. 10.000 m².

Each treated 1 m² with this unique Czech technology can decontaminate over 3. million cubic meters of air.

Thanks to the application of this technology to its equipment and according to the test of the international standard ISO 22197-1, Linde now clean more than 82.190 million cubic meters of air per day.

Today, this huge self-cleaning surface thus "works" as the largest nano AIR CLEANER in the Czech Republic and in Europe. It can remove huge amounts of pollutants and immissions from the air in a year. For a locality such as the Ostrava region, it decontaminates per year for example:

  • the same amount of air that 2.739.330 consume to breathe throughout the year.
  • a similar amount of air that would clean 2.001 mature trees with a crown diameter 8,2 m, or
  • a similar amount of air that would clear by planting 12.500 new small trees with a crown diameter 1,5 m.
  • such an amount of NOx fumes, which annually produces into the air approximately 335 os. cars  with diesel engine (Euro 5 emission standards),
  • such an amount of NOx fumes, which annually produces into the air approximately 1005 os. cars with petrol engine (Euro 5 emission standards)

Every day, Linde Gas and Nano4people, with their approach, actively contribute to the protection of the environment, to the global fight against air pollution, not only in the Czech Republic.

At present, this technology is already used by Linde Slovakia and Linde branches in other European countries have recently shown interest in the technology. There is interest also from the Asia & Pacific region and Canada.

Linde Gas will gradually build nano air purifiers with its applications not only for Europe, but for the whole world.

Na závěr slova generálního ředitele společnosti Linde Česká republika & Slovensko, pana Ing. Petra Partsche:

"Innovation is a hallmark of Linde. We try to see a step further, which is why such projects have always green in our company."

Linde Linde Gas

Linde Gas is a world-famous company supplying industrial gases to the market, such as Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Acetylene, CO₂, medical gases and special gas mixtures, incl. high purity and calibration gases. It is the largest producer and supplier of technical gases not only in the Czech Republic, but thanks to the Linde plc concern, of which it is a part, is as well the world's leader in the field of technical gases. It has been operating on the Czech market for 30 years and employs more than 500 people.Wner of the largest air purifier in the Czech Republic and Europe. Dnes majitel největší nanočističky vzduchu v ČR and Evropě.


The company Nano4people s.r.o. is an innovative company that deals with and participates in the development and application of photocatalytic coatings, which with the help of nanotechnology and light, can create a self-cleaning surface, eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi, odors and even clean the air. With partners from the ranks of leading Czech scientists, Nano4people cooperates intensively on other modifications of photocatalytic products. It searches for and discovers new possibilities for their further use. Performs specific applications, according to the specifics and requirements of the company for a clean and healthy environment. Holder of a special award for the social benefit of innovation. In 2015, awarded as the Visionary of the Year, for technological contributions in the field of environmental protection and public health, air and air purification, property protection, cultural and historical monuments.

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