Czech Republic Confirms Global Leadership in Nanofiber Technology in Tokyo

Nanotech 2023 - Jiří Kůs

Author: Lucie Konečná


At the NANO TECH 2023 exhibition in Tokyo held in early February, Czech nanotechnologists excelled with their innovative products including dry sheet nanofiber masks, anti-dust mite bedding, and a revolutionary water purification technology utilizing carbon nanoparticles. NANO TECH 2023. After a three-year break caused by strict COVID restrictions imposed by the Japanese government, foreign nanotechnology companies were finally able to participate in person again. This allowed Czechs to finally confirm their global role in the development and production of nanofibers.

Japanese Impressed by Anti-Dust Mite Bedding and Nanofiber Dry Sheet Masks

The Czech nanotechnology industry was well-received at the NANO TECH 2023 exhibition in Tokyo, with a strong interest from universities and large Japanese and Korean companies. Products using nanofiber membranes, such as dry sheet nanofiber masks nanoBeauty and Nanomedical or Anti Dust Mite Bedding nanoSPACEDust mites are a pressing matter in Japan because the Japanese are highly concerned with the quality of sleep and health. We showcased the Czech Republic as one of the world's largest producers of nanofibers and a pioneer in industrial nanotechnology applications," says Jiří Kůs, Chairman of the Association of the Czech Nanotechnology Industry, sharing his experience from the NANO TECH 2023 in Tokyo.

According to Kůs, people from universities and large Japanese and Korean companies were interested in Czech nanotechnology. The company's innovative water purification technology, utilizing carbon nanoparticles, also received significant attention, in addition to the impressive Czech nanofibers. This technology was developed by the Czech company H20 nanotec.

We confirmed that the Japanese market is very interesting for Czech products, particularly in the areas of cosmetics and health protection, even though it requires a long-term commitment. We discussed further steps with Jakub Hájek, the new representative of Czechinvest in Japan, and Ondřej Svoboda, the head political and commercial section representative at our embassy in Japan," says Jan Buk, a member of the executive board of the Czech Association of Nanotechnology Industry.

Nanomaterials: The Key to Harnessing Renewable Energy

Social Ttansformation through nanotechnology was the Main Theme of this Year's Edition, held from February 1st to 3rd. At the exposition, companies and universities were dominated by nanomaterials suitable for the production of energy from renewable sources and its storage.

he exposition also garnered significant attention for biodegradable nanomaterials,carbon-neutral technologies such as nanocellulose, quantum technologies, and nanocomposite materials utilizing graphene or carbon nanotubes. According to Kůse, these materials are being developed in the Czech Republic and represent a huge opportunity for Czech companies and universities. For example, the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences has been focused on spin electronics for a long time.

Czech Republic Represented by Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association at EU-Japan Centre Booth, Seeks Future Collaboration

"We were pleasantly surprised by the perfect organization of the joint exhibition, including two interpreters who were available to us throughout the event. Personally, I met with the director of the EU-Japan Centre agency, Mr. Manuel Hubert, and we agreed on future collaboration," says Jiří Kůs, Chairman of the Association of the Czech Nanotechnological Industry.

The Association of the Czech Nanotechnological Industry represented the Czech Republic at the EU-Japan Centre booth. EU Japan Centre. ts goal is to support all forms of industrial, commercial, and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan and to improve the competitiveness and cooperation of companies from the EU and Japan by facilitating the exchange of experiences and know-how between them. At the booth with the Czechs were representatives of eight companies from France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Sweden:

Photo: Archive Jiri Kus

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