Nanoday in the European Parliament: the nanofibers were flying through the air and nano ties were poured

Author: ANP ČR


On Thursday, May 3, there was almost a magic performance at the European Parliament’s Brussels headquarters. Directly in front of the visitors, flying in the air like webs, nanofibers were produced and there were also examples of other great products of Czech companies using nanotechnology.

Pavel Telička, Vice-President of the European Parliament, decided to draw attention to the potential of the Czech Republic in the field of nanotechnologies and organized together with the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, CzechInvest, cluster Nanoprogress and Technology Center CAS the first Nanoday Brussels. The event was attended not only by representatives of Czech nanotechnology companies and organizations but also by foreign guests. After opening remarks of Pavel Telička, keynote of the Nanoassociation chairman Jiří Kůs and an introduction of the cluster manager Luboš Komárek, we heard the speech of Petr Dröll, the director responsible for industrial technology at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, and Claude Turmes, a prominent MEP from the Greens.

When I learned more about the potential of the Czech Republic in nanotechnology, I said why this could not be the area in which our country could be as good as Estonia in digitization?“ Telička explained in his opening remarks. Jiří Kůs then briefly described the ambitions of the Czech nanotechnology industry and also what nano actually is. “Nano is a measure, something very small that is invisible to the naked eye. In nanotechnologies, we play with molecules and atoms. Matching a meter to a nanometer is like comparing the Earth and the tennis ball,” Kůs explained, “It is true that Czechia is not a superpower, but why not become at least a nano superpower?”  

Peter Dröll appreciated the strong vision of the Czech nanotechnological industry, but he also pointed out that Czech universities, researchers and producers should be more involved in EU projects. Like Telička, he also lacks the more important role of the relevant Czech political subjects. The European Commission’s proposal for a multi-annual financial framework, which makes research and innovation one of the EU’s priority areas, is to be pursued for the development of innovative industries 2012-2027 to go from the budget of more European finances than before. With the view that more attention should be paid to nanotechnology, then Claude Turmes also agreed.

Telicka also focused on the question of why the Czech nano potential is still almost unknown the European Union. “I do not remember when a Czech politician would go public and said that nano should be a priority. Czech relevant authorities fail in the promotion. We have little awareness and lack of information about this area. We need to create an innovation-friendly ecosystem and change our thinking. Only then can we become a real leader, “ Telička added. 

During Nanoday Brussels, several nanotechnology companies and organizations were introduced to the present visitors, including impressive demonstrations. Thanks to the device of an unusual appearance that arrived in Brussels from the Technical University of Liberec, the long webs of the nanofibers were shot into the air above the heads of the people present. Telička himself then poured the nano tie with both water and coffee, which, despite his efforts, remained clean. „All lovers of Italian cuisine will surely appreciate this tie. My wife always knows, according to the dirty tie, that I ate in an Italian restaurant, „Telicka laughed.

Visitors could see and try the pillow with nanofibre membrane that prevents to gathering dust mites and their allergens inside. There were also samples of antivirus respirators, clothing from antibacterial nanotextile, nano-optics, nano water-cleaner and nanocosmetics. Samples of nanocosmetics were given to female participants for free to take home and try. Men instead got the already mentioned nano ties. “I know that one event cannot change everything. Nevertheless, it is another step in fulfilling the ambitions that Czech nanotechnology has. And I’m glad I could bring the Czech nano magic to the European Parliament.  I think it was an unusual show for visitors, “ Telička commented. At the same time, he added that the goal was also to make clear how we can better set the whole ecosystem in the EU and in the Czech Republic so that we are not only competitive in nanotechnology but also in other promising and innovative areas. In conclusion, he summed up what is primarily needed. He will go on with it to further political negotiations.

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