Invitation to NanoDay Prague 2019

Author: ANP ČR


Are you interested in the newest technologies? Visit Nanoday in Prague where you can get your hands on the most interesting novelties from the Czech nanotechnologies.

We will explain how the world which we can see only through a microscope works and we will show you things that can be done within it.

Right on the spot we will make nanofibers, we will demonstrate smart self-cleaning nanocoating, ssuper skiddy and super hard surfaces of materials, nanomembranes for wine filtration, nanofiber respirators, functional antibacterial clothes, antibacterial knitwear and orthotics, nanotextiles in fashion, nano cosmetics and biotechnologies, use of nanoparticles in rubber industry and metallization of textiles, anti-mite nano beddings for people suffering from allergies, plasters containing silver nanoparticles, nano air purifiers, 3D battery , nano-optics and many more products in which the nanotechnologies are applied.

You will learn details about development of nanorobots in Prague and how the Czech Republic became one of the world leaders in electron microscopy. You will also become familiar with a unique Czech textbook on nanotechnologies for high school students..

When: Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Where: National Technical Museum in Prague

Entry fees for NanoDay remain in accordance with the common NTM pricelist


10,00   Commencement and introductory presentation
Introductory word and presentation of nanotechnology novelties in 2019 /Jiří Kůs, the chairman of the Nanotechnology industries association of the Czech Republic/

10,30 – 16,30   Exhibition of nanotechnology products, talkshow with nanotechnologists on how nanotechnologies work

17,00   Ending of the event


The event will be held under the patronage of Karel Havlíček, the deputy chairman of the Czech government and Minister of Industry and Trade, of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, of Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and of Technology Centre CAS.

Partners of the event are National Technical Museum,  Czechinvest, nanotechnological cluster Nanoprogress and 6D Academy , Regional Innovative Centre for Electrical engineering and The Nanorobots Research Center. The international partner of the event is Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH.


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