Czechs presented a cosmetic mask on NanoDay that removes up to 75% of wrinkels

Author: ANP ČR


Prague, May 28, 2016. On NanoDay there were presented two revolutionary innovations, luxury car modified by nanotechnology and nano cosmetic mask that can reduce wrinkles under eyes within 30 minutes. „We found that the nanofiber membrane has a really fundamental effect on the skin and its appearance. Clinical study results have confirmed that there is a reduction up to 75% of the wrinkles including the deepest ones, „says Lenka Mynářová from Nafigate Cosmetics.

„The purpose of our Nanodays is to show the people what we do best in the Czech Republic,“ explains Jiří Kůs chairman of Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, Czech Republic  has become nanotechnology superpower during the last ten years.

Czechs constructed the world’s safest battery

NanoDay visitors tasted for example the water filtered in front of them through nanofilters out of the Vltava river by VTI in cooperation with Pardam. They could also see functional clothing with nanosilver or nanocotton anti-allergy bedding . Cluster Nanoprogress in cooperation with the Technical University in Liberec were demonstrating nanofiber production and some even tried it themselves.

All day visitors asked leading Czech nanotechnologists, for example, the inventor of revolutionary 3D battery Jan Prochazka who is nicknamed Czech Elon Musk. „Thanks to the separator from  inorganic nanofiber, it is the safest battery in the world,“ explains Jan Buk from the company Pardam.

We are a small country, such a nano one,  but we are a nanosuperman at the same time

Czech Republic thanks to the success of Czech scientists in nanotechnologies may  become an important global player in the future. „One of the drivers of the new industrial revolution and of the fundamental economy and society transformation in the 21st century is nanotechnology,“ says Kůs. „It is the ability of the man to work with matter at the level of molecules and atoms, and literally alter its essence, the ability to create materials with new extraordinary features. Czech Republic is one of the world incubators of nanotechnology, We are a small country, such a nano one, but we are a nanosuperman at the same time „.

NanoDay took place on Cargo Gallery ship at Rašínovo embankment in Prague as a part of the Innovation Week 2016.

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