Czech nanotechnology leaders presented at TechConnect/Nanotech 2018 in Anaheim

Author: ANP ČR


The Czech Republic has a worldwide repute in nanotechnology, especially so in the field of nanofibers where the results of scientific research are being successfully transferred to production, mainly in the field of special fabrics or batteries for energy storage.

For this reason, our companies and universities could not miss the opportunity to present their products and discuss possibilities of partnership with American partners at a prestigious trade show and conference TechConnect which was held from 14 through to 16 May in California’s Anaheim near Los Angeles.

It is one of the largest events dedicated to nanotechnologies in the USA every year attracting specialists in the field of new materials, electronics, military, power engineering or biomedicine and biotechnologies. Besides the representatives of European, American and Asian companies it is attended also by universities, scientific institutes and representatives of American organizations and agencies including US Department of Energy and US Department of Defense.

The Czech participation was this year supported by a joint project of economic diplomacy of the General Consulate of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles, CzechInvest and Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Czech companies were represented by the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, Nanoprogress cluster and by companies PardamAdvanced Materials-JTJHE3DA and nanoSPACE.  On behalf of Czech universities were present academics of Brno’s CEITEC, Ostrava’s Technical university VŠB TU and Czech Technology Platform on Industrial Safety.

Within the trade show, our companies presented unique 3D lithium battery, special respirators with nanofiber layer, anti-allergenic toys or bed linen. In addition to the trade show program, General Consulate of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles and CzechInvest arranged also a networking event at the Czech stand with the presence of general consul Pavel Šepelák which introduced the Czech nanoworld to the entire community of visitors. Following the wrap-up of the trade show, the companies had also an opportunity to visit the prestigious University of California San Diego and present themselves at the Qualcomm Institute.

The project provided a unique opportunity to the Czech participants to introduce themselves and to make valuable contacts. Czech focus on nanofibers which is unique even in the USA was the highlight.



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