Czech Republic Has Its First Reusable Nanofiber FFP3 Respirator w/o Expiration Valve With Virus Capturing Efficiency Exceeding 99.5%

Author: ANP ČR


PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o. of the Czech Republic has managed to develop, produce, and get certified a nanofiber respirator compliant with the most stringent requirements of FFP3 class. It is the first reusable nanofiber FFP3 respirator without an expiration valve produced in the Czech Republic.

„We have worked since last spring to have fully certified a respirator that would comply with the most stringent requirements of FFP3. I am happy that following several months of development and testing, we were the first in the Czech Republic to have a certified nanofiber respirator that is unique worldwide,” says CEO Jan Buk and he adds: “It was also thanks to the support of the RISE-UP project that we could significantly boost our production capacity and improve the efficiency of our production processes so that we can produce up to 800 thousand units per month.”

The BreaSAFE® CLASSIC FFP3 respirator is unique not only because it contains a nanofiber made by the technology of centrifugal spinning that Pardam has been developing for more than 10 years and that gives the respirator some unique properties concerning high capture rate, but also thanks to the exceptional breathability of the material that eliminates the need for an expiration valve typical for most FFP3 respirators. Absence of the expiration valve enables the user to protect not only themselves, but also those around, because the viruses and bacteria exhaled by the user are captured as well. The nanomembrane improves the resistance to moisture, meaning that with due care, one can use the respirator for multiple days to protect oneself against viruses and bacteria.

The efficiency of nanofiber respirators has been confirmed by the world’s leading test lab – NELSON LABS of the USA – which officially approved that the nanofiber membrane of the BreaSAFE® CLASSIC FFP3 captures 99.5 to 99.9% of viruses. This makes the respirator one of the safest means of protection against viral diseases, e.g. SARS-CoV-2 causing Covid-19.

In addition to nanofiber respirators, we have also managed to certify our community face masks – BreaSAFE® COMMUNITY MASK compliant with the requirements of FFP2. The masks are a popular choice of the public for being light and robust at the same time. In addition to providing for excellent protection of the user, they adapt nicely to any shape of the face and you can have one in your pocket at all times.

During the spring wave of the pandemic in 2020, PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o. was among the few chosen Czech respirator suppliers for government institutions. The company helped doctors, the medical personnel, and all others on the frontline of the struggle against Covid-19.


The field of activity of PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o. involves research and development of nanofibers as well as commercial application thereof. The company has been active in the nanofiber domain for more than 10 years and has become a world leader in development and industrial production of inorganic nanofibers and polymeric nanofiber membranes.  

PARDAM NANO4FIBERS is a founding member of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association.

Media contact: Petr Vít; +420 721 452 224;

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