Bavarian Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger invited the Czech nanotechnologists to Munich

Author: Jiří Kůs


Since 2006, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs has been financially supporting networking and cooperation between companies and research institutions in order to strengthen innovation power and competitiveness in Bavaria.

Bavarian Cluster Offensive

The Bavarian cluster offensive consists of 17 clusters, including the nanotechnology Nanoiniziative Bayern. In the current 5th financing period of the cluster offensive, which begins in 2024, the focus is mainly on the transformation of the economy through digitization and sustainability requirements.

Nanoinitiative Bayern

Bavarian Minister of Economy Hubert Aiwanger invited representatives of the Czech nanotechnology Industries Association to a cluster reception, which took place on February 5, 2024 at the Munich residence. The reason for the invitation is the successful cooperation with the Bavarian nanotechnology cluster Nanoinitiative Bayern, which began in 2018. Since then, a number of joint events have taken place in the Czech Republic and Bavaria. Together with Nanoinitiative Bayern and European Nanotechnology Industries Association a project of an online nanotechnology course for the lay public was also created Nano NOW.

Czech-German NanoHub

The newest joint project being prepared by the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association and Nanoinitiative Bayern is the Czech-German NanoHub innovation network. Czech and Bavarian companies will be involved in it, the goal is professional expertise in the development of new nanotechnology products and their commercialization on the Czech and German markets.

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Setkání účastníků podnikatelských misí

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