Czech Republic presented an invisible nano world at the EXPO in Dubai

New Year's Eve celebrations in the Czech pavilion of the World Expo 2020 EXPO 2020 (the EXPO was moved from 2020 to 2021, but the name EXPO 2020 remained) began with the transformation of the rotating exhibition into a showcase of Czech nanotechnology products and inventions. Visitors were thus able to visit the invisible world of nanotechnology in which the Czechs excel.

What is already standard in the Czech Republic is still being developed in the rest of the world

The exhibition also featured Czech nano face masks and nano neck gaiterswhich have become a symbol of the fight against coronavirus in the Czech Republic and, above all, a demonstration of Czech skills in nanotechnology.

"What has become standard for Czech citizens over the past two years is only in the research phase in other countries. Nano face masks are known only in the Czech Republic and South Korea. While Czech visitors are familiar with nano face masks and nano neck gaiters, foreign visitors are amazed and fascinated by the fact that something like this has been available in our country for a long time." Says Lucie Konečná, director of the company nanoSPACE. The exhibition featured Czech design washable nano face masks and washable nano neck gaiters, which are considered in the Czech Republic as the equivalent of the FFP2 respirator.

Pillows and blankets of the future

Allergies are on the rise worldwide, and the use of nanofibre membranes in duvets and pillows is likely to become the standard. "A nanofibre membrane can very effectively prevent the collection of dust mites and allergens in the filling of pillows, blankets and mattresses, it is a simple mechanical protection against dust mites." Explains Jiří Kůs, Chairman of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association.At first glance, pillows and bed sheets with nanofibre membrane are indistinguishable from ordinary ones.

Nanofibre window screens against smog

The Czech company Nafigate Park, ktealso attracted attention at the world exhibition. This company is one of the Czech producers of nanofibres and also produces nanofibre window screens that can filter even smog. This company is one of the Czech manufacturers of nanofibre and also produces nanofibre window screens that can filter even smog. These could replace traditional mosquito screens in major Asian cities.In addition to smog, they can also filter out allergens and other nanoparticles that are found in large quantities in the air of big cities.

The permanent exhibition also included a presentation by IQ Structures,, která vyvíjí a vyrábí špičkové bezpečnostní prvky pro zabezpečení bankovek, dokladů a cenin proti padělání. Speciálně pro EXPO 2020 vytvořila společnost IQS Group miniaturu modelu Velké mešity Al-Mastdžid al-Harám v Mekce o velikosti zrnka písku (≈0,5mm2). V obchodu v českém pavilonu byl ke koupi i speciální hologram EXPO 2020 s motivy české účasti na světové výstavě včetně speciálních nanografických snímků Prahy a Dubaje.

"IQ Structures' nanostructures are produced at a resolution of tens of nanometres - to give you an idea: a model of a car made using this method has very precise shapes, but you can park it on a human hair," explains Jiří F. Potužník. "However, we are not so much interested in merely highlighting another Czech, and in this case rather world "best", but in showing functional innovative technology and original design, which is the original purpose of the EXPO."


Configure your own 3D snowflake

The most fun part of the exhibition is definitely the wall full of 3D printers where visitors can configure and print their own 3D snowflake. This wall is part of The Future of Manufacturing exhibit from Průša Research. It takes four hours to print, so just enter in the morning and pick up your snowflake after lunch. You can then take it home as a souvenir or participate in building a three-dimensional sculpture. The latter is reflected in an installation called Fluidum by Petr Vacko and Adam Cigler - a kinetic system of eighty-five robotically controlled mirrors that transforms the reflection of the viewer and his surroundings as a vertical water surface.

The core of the pavilion is a system that produces water from air

Also in January, visitors were able to visit the permanent exhibition, the technological and exhibition core of which is the S.A.W.E.R. system.The device, which produces water from the air all by itself using only solar energy, irrigates a garden planted in the Dubai sand and shows how to create an oasis in the desert.

The most visually beautiful is the installation of LASVIT

The Czech Pavilion also boasts a beautiful monumental luminous installation by LASVIT, designed by Maxim Velčovský. The exhibit, called Golden Rain , is made of metal fibres and glass, and combines traditional glassmaking with modern technology.

The presentation of Czech nanotechnology companies in Dubai at the world exhibition was supported by an interview for Dubai TV, the largest TV studio in the Middle East. We are pleased with the interest of the United Arab Emirates in Czech nanotechnology.

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