Are you interested in the latest news on Czech nanotechnology? Join our NanoDay in Pardubice!
You will see with your own eyes the production of nanofibre, which is used for wine filtration and also in anti-dust mite beddings, you will meet the inventor of the revolutionary 3D nanobattery and smart self-cleaning coatings with nanoparticles. Beauticians remove your face wrinkels by a nano cosmetic mask, you will try the magic hydrophobic nano-tie and you can taste drinking water from pig slurry cleaned by nanotechnology …
The goal of NanoDays is to increase public awareness about the use of nanotechnology in everyday life. We are presenting the products of Czech nanotechnology firms, which are among the pioneers in this area.
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Place: Jan Kaspar hall at the Regional Office in Pardubice
11,00 Opening presentations and speeches ( Jiří Kůs – Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, Luboš Komárek – Nanoprogress , Pavel Kysilka – 6DAcademy )
11,30 – 15,00 Talkshow with nanotechnologists on how do various nanotechnologies work
15,10 – 15,50 Nanotechnology news presentation
16,00 – 16,30 Speech of Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Bělobrádek
16,30 – 17,30 Talkshow with nanotechnologists on how do various nanotechnologies work
18,00 End of the event
The event NanoDay Pardubice 2017 is under the auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Bělobrádek, Confederation of Industry and Transport, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, governor of the Pardubice region Martin Netolický, Mayor of the city of Pardubice Martin Charvát and Miroslav Ludwig, rector of the University of Pardubice. The partners of the event are Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic , 6DAcademy, Hi-Tech innovation cluster and eTIK cluster.
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