Czech Firms Apply Nanotechnology Breakthroughs in Sectors Such as Healthcare, Cosmetics, Fashion, and Street Lighting

Autor: ANP ČR


Nanotechnologies aren’t just for research laboratories anymore. Czech firms are global players in marketing products with totally unique characteristics and applications, including a nanomembrane that helps smooth wrinkles, nano-optics that are transforming lighting, and fashion made from nanotextile. That’s only a fraction of the products that will be on display at September’s Future Port Prague festival, proving the Czech Republic is among the world’s leading countries in terms of the use of nanotechnologies in industrial and consumer products. 

Nanotechnologies had been confined to the laboratory up to the end of the 20th century, but they started to find their first industrial applications at the beginning of the 21st. In 2004, the Nanospider was patented in the Czech Republic for the industrial production of nanofibers. Since then, domestic nanofiber producers have played a significant global role.

 “Czech nanotechnologies expanded beyond nanofibers a long time ago. We now also have revolutionary products in biotechnology, optics, cosmetics, or self-cleaning paints and stains,” said Future Port Prague Guarantor Jiří Kůs, who is one of the pioneers of nanotechnologies in the Czech Republic. “Today, we can encounter nanotechnologies in all sectors of industry, including industrial air filtration, cleaning water in pools, cosmetics, antibacterial clothing, medical bandages, protecting documents from forgery, and even lights that incorporate nano-optics. Few people know that one-third of all electron microscopes operating in the world right now comes from Brno,” Jiří Kůs added.

Dozens of Future Port Prague Exhibitors to Present Nanotechnologies

You’ll not only be able to touch nanotechnologies at FPP 2018, but you can also get new insights into this growing field. Liliana Berezkinová from Nanopharma will appear on stage to give a talk after last year’s presentation of her firm’s artificial thymus, the first artificially-grown human organ. 

“This year, we focused on a new product in women’s cosmetics. We have also fostered truly exceptional cooperation with physicians to develop artificial tissue that we can use in the future to test medicines without the need for animals,” Berezkinová said.

FPP will also feature a workshop led by Prof. David Lukáš from the Technical University of Liberec that will present the newest methods of producing nanofibers: so-called AC spinning. This revolutionary technology has led to the development of several products created during years of cooperation with the Nanoprogress cluster organization. Doctors in Liberec were the first in the world to clinically test a new piece of medical equipment designed to help heal wounds using nanofibers.

 “The research that has taken place over several years is singular in that nanotechnologies have not been tested on patients anywhere else in the world. Clinically using nanofibers to bandage wounds is thus something that’s unique in global terms,” said David Lukáš from the Department of Nonwovens and Nanofibrous Materials of the Technical University of Liberec. “Moreover, the material is absorbed into the wound. Therefore, no changing of bandages is necessary,” Lukáš added.

From Nanolenses to Clothes that Don’t Need Ironing

IQ Structures, a Czech firm that is disrupting the world of nano-optics, is changing traditional lighting principles thanks to nanotechnologies that fit more than 1,000 nanolenses into a classic 1 cm lens. The result is functionality well beyond that provided by classic optics because the nanolenses are flat, light, small, extremely precise, and very adaptable. 

Lada Vyvialová’s LADA Fashion focuses on using specialized high-tech materials to make apparel. The use of nanofibers results in clothes that are antibacterial, antiseptic, and have certain anti-odour effects. They are also exceptionally light, don’t need ironing, and take up very little space: 20 sets of clothing can fit into a single standard-sized carry-on bag. 

Just like last year, Future Port Prague 2018 will bring visionaries from around the world to the Czech capital, as well as demonstrations of future technologies that include drones, autonomous and electric cars, mixed reality, industrial and personal robots, smart technologies, or exciting new products from the world of energy and healthcare.

Future Port Prague is proud to have Etnetera Group, Škoda Auto Digilab, ALZA, Deloitte, Google, Vodafone, Innogy, Česká spořitelna, YPO, and ABB as partners.


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