Invitation to Future Port Prague 2017

Autor: ANP ČR


We invite you to the Future Port Prague 2017 – a visionary and futuristic festival!

It will be held on September 7, 2017 at the Prague Marketplace in Holešovice. It will be the largest show of exponential technologies and disruptive trends in Central Europe. The godfather of the festival is a businessman, visionary, Etnetera co-founder Martin Holečko.

The event will include conferences and panel discussions with leading experts from around the world. They will speak about how the technology of the future may affect the global economy and the lives of people. Chairman of Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association Jiří Kůs is the guarantor of nanotechnology and advanced materials. He will present you, together with Professor Miranda of the Spanish Nanotechnology Center IMDEA, a wonderful graphene material and its incredible features and possibilities of use. In the exhibition section, Czech nanotechnology companies will exhibit their products and inventions including machines for the industrial nanofiber production.

The emergence of new technologies is a huge chance for the Czech Republic to rejoin the world’s leading industrial players. We want to send this clear signal to the Czech society and give the Czech Republic a new vision!

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