We are a small nano country, but we are also a nanosuperman! Come and explore nanotechnologies ot the Czech nanotech companies.
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Place: Biology Park Brno, Studentská 6, Brno – Bohunice
10.00 Official opening in the presence of representatives of the South Moravian Region, Brno City Hall and the Regional Chamber of Commerce of South Moravia.
• Why is the Czech nano? / Jiri Kůs, Chairman CNIA /
• Successful nanotechnology projects
• The launch of a revolutionary new material NanoCotton
11.00 Talkshow with nanotechnologists on how do various nanotechnologies work.
17.00 End of the event
In premises of Biology Park there will be an exhibition of nanotechnology products and presentations Czech nanotech companies. The visitors can also see on videoprojections different examples of the use of nanotechnologies around the world.
Each visitor will receive a Nanoday questionnaire card. The Competition winners will be published on the website of Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association. The prizes are Czech nanotech products.
The NanoDay in Brno is under the auspices of the Governor of South Moravian Region JUDr. Michal Hasek. Other official partners are Brno City Hall, Biology Park Brno, South Moravian Innovation Centre and Regional Chamber of Commerce of South Moravia.
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