Nanotechnology in Beauty: Czech Innovation for Italian Excellence

Nanofiber is a key element for a new generation of cosmetics without preservatives, problematic chemicals and allergens. The Czech Republic is the country of nanofibers and Italy is one of the world leaders in cosmetics. By combining the Italian cosmetics industry and Czech nanotechnologies, an innovative platform of international reach can be created. That is why we in the ANP CR joined forces with Cosmetica Italia and the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Milan and organized a joint seminar under the auspices of Alena Šeredová.

The aim of the joint seminar is to acquaint the world-famous Italian cosmetic companies with the best innovations for cosmetics that are created right here in the Czech Republic.

Czech industry will be represented in Italy by:

nanoSPACE Technology – research, development and production of new nanofibrous materials

Nanopharma – manufacturer of nanofiber cosmetics NanoBeauty, formulation research and development

NanoMedical – research, development and production of new nanofibrous materials

Nafigate Corporation - innovative trends in sustainable cosmetics

Česká nano kosmetika na veletrhu Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna

Czech nano cosmetics at the Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna fair

Praha, Česká republika – 15. dubna 2024 Česká inovativní společnost Nanopharma vystavovala na veletrhu Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, který patří mezi největší kosmetické veletrhy na světě. Výstavy se letos zúčastnilo 3 012 vystavovatelů z 69 zemí. Do Boloni přijelo 248...

Češi na výstavě nano tech 2024 v Tokiu

Czechs at the nano tech 2024 exhibition in Tokyo

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