Jean-Charles Chen has become the new CEO of TESCAN and will lead its global growth

Author: Jiří Kůs


Chen takes over the leadership of TESCAN with extensive industry experience and vision to drive innovation and expansion in the global microscopy market

Brno, Czech Republic – May 5, 2023 – TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING a.s. announces that as of May 1, Jean-Charles Chen will become the new CEO. Chen replaces TESCAN founder and CEO Jaroslav Klíma, who will continue to act as an advisor.

Jaroslav Klíma states: “Jean-Charles Chen is a renowned leader with a very successful track record in transforming businesses to achieve profitability and international success. I have complete confidence in his ability to lead TESCAN as I leave to take on an advisory role. Jean-Charles Chen will focus on growing the company globally in key world regions and strengthening our product portfolio in areas such as scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam equipment, transmission electron microscopy and microtomography.”

Jean-Charles Chen joins TESCAN from the Swiss company OROLIAwhere he headed the atomic clock business division. He is a highly experienced business manager with proven ability to manage international organizations and teams. His extensive experience includes business strategy and planning, innovation management, sales and international trade, business development and cross-functional team leadership across a range of industries, including scientific instruments, electronics and satellite communications.

Jean-Charles Chen

I am very excited about this new opportunity to accept the role of CEO of TESCAN. TESCAN's innovation and entrepreneurial culture have always impressed me. The organization has rightfully established a leadership position in all key markets, particularly in materials sciences, geosciences and semiconductors.” Jean-Charles Chen adds:„TESCAN has enormous potential for global growth. I believe that it is almost impossible to achieve anything alone, but as a team, success knows no bounds.“

Chen previously headed the atomic clock business division of OROLIA. He previously held the positions of manager and vice president for sales and service in the AMETEK group of CAMECA; and Head of Sales at Thales Electron Devices. Chen holds master's degrees in business management and business strategy from IAE France and the Institut Francais de Gestion.


TESCAN enables its customers to research and analyze in nanoresolution. Its solutions are applied in geosciences, material sciences, semiconductor industry and life sciences. The company has a thirty-year history of developing innovative electron microscopes, microtomographs, and related software solutions for users in many areas of research and industry. Another example is the 4D-STEM (4D scanning transmission electron microscope) TENSOR, which was the first in the world to be built from the ground up for a completely new level of performance and user comfort. Through its efforts, TESCAN has gained a leading position in micro- and nano-technologies. The company is based in Brno, Czech Republic and employs more than 750 people in plants around the world.

For more information, visit

TESCAN contact for the media: Barbora Novosadová,, +420 530 353 522

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